All prices in USD
EFA Ultimate Benefits
Personalized training plans to track your progress seamlessly, ensuring tailored development for both you and your horse.
Supportive community and opportunity to receive expert guidance, fostering a sense of camaraderie while advancing your riding skills.
New Phase of Training every 4 weeks
EFA Ultimate program keeps your riding experience fresh and exciting, preventing stagnation and encouraging continuous growth in your equestrian abilities.
"I’ve never felt so supported in an exercise program. I’m even feeling way more confident riding my pony bareback and bridle-less, as I know that I can trust my body more and more."
"As a full-time equestrian professional, Ifa's an invaluable resource; as much of what I do on the daily is physically demanding yet specific to the sport of riding."
Ifa's Equestrian Fitness Academy has been life-changing! I really didn’t expect the changes to benefit my day-to-day life.
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."